![]() ABOUT CES: Latest News October 2011 | Can-Do Partners with CLYNK! CAN DO of Kennebunk has joined forces with CLYNK in order to streamline the sorting and transportation process of returnables at the Kennebunk Transfer Station. Thanks to the efforts of Tom and Mary Couming of Kennebunk, the CAN DO program has brought significant amounts of revenue to the feeding programs at the York County Shelter Programs. Tom Couming started the CAN DO program in 2007. Corcoran Environmental Services welcomed the project at the Kennebunk Recycling Center and Transfer Station at 36 Sea Road in Kennebunk. Over the four years of the program's existence, CAN DO has raised over $35,000 for charity. Tom Couming has recruited volunteers who help collect and sort the bottles and cans. He is always looking for additional volunteers. We thank Tom & Mary immensely for their tireless dedication to feeding the hungry here in Southern Maine. http://www.yorkcountyshelterprograms.org/yorkcountyshelterprograms.org/CAN_DO.html January 2011 | Reduce, reuse, recycle: Tambrands goes nearly landfill-free AUBURN — It took three years, and some creative reuse, but Tambrands is now nearly landfill-free. Cardboard is recycled. Tampons taken off the line for test-sample batches go to the Good Shepherd Food-Bank. Retired tools go to a popular employee auction. And compacted office trash goes to a waste-to-energy incinerator. September 2010 | Proctor and Gamble and Sunoco Sustainability Group Corp CES Signs a multi-year deal with Proctor and Gamble and Sunoco Sustainability Group Corp. CES was awarded this contract after meeting rigorous environmental health and safety audits. September 2010 | Nestle Waters of Northern New England Nestle Waters of Northern New England extends service contract for CES. In this service contract CES manages sustainable and environmental practices by correctly managing solid waste and recycling materials that come from Nestlé’s manufacturing process. September 2010 | CES Gives back to the Community CES enters into a partnership with Secure Records Management Systems, a social enterprise and subsidiary of Waban in Sanford, Maine enter into a partnership. SecureRMS is a confidential information destruction facility that prides itself on the premise of providing jobs for people with disabilities. All proceeds generated from business between CES and SecureRMS will help to provide programs and housing for developmentally disabled members of the York County community. September 2010 | Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation (GOMLF) The Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation (GOMLF) received funding from Congress to conduct the Bottom Line Project, a voluntary program to provide economic assistance to lobstermen who must convert from floating to sinking ground lines in order to comply with new federal whale protection regulations. Converting to sinking ground lines will reduce the likelihood of entanglement for large whales, such as the highly endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. September 2010 | Coastal Clean-Up CES has been awarded a multi-year management contract to work with the Gulf of Maine Marine Debris task force to develop multi commodity recovery and recycling of ghost gear and lobster traps. In 2009 CES assisted with the coordination of recycling of over 1000 damaged lobster traps and recycled this material for the Coastal Clean- up team. In 2010 CES will participate in 3 separate clean ups providing multi-commodity equipment and recycling. To read more about The Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation Float Rope Project please click on the link provided: www.gomlf.org/groundline September 2010 | Coastal Studies for Girls Coastal Studies for Girls is the country’s only residential science and leadership semester school for 10th grade girls. CSG is dedicated to girls who have a love for learning and discovery, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to challenge themselves. CES was one of the principle founding corporate sponsors of the organization believing that the education of young women in science and math is crucial. This program offers those fundamental skills to allow girls the confidence and knowledge to move further in those fields concerning math and the sciences. To read more about Coastal Studies for Girls please click on the link provided: www.coastalstudiesforgirls.org September 2010 | Kennebunk Land Trust The Kennebunk Land Trust, originally known as the Ramanascho Land Preservation Trust, was founded in 1972 to preserve and protect significant natural spaces in the Kennebunk/Arundel Region. As one of southern Maine’s oldest working land trusts, the Trust has preserved over 3,400 acres of forest, fields and waterways, including 1,600 acres of the Kennebunk Plains. Of these preserved lands, more than 300 acres are conservation easements managed for private landowners. CES began their corporate sponsorship in 2010, believing in the Kennebunk Land Trusts’ mission. Conservation and preservation of land is a key model in the everyday running of CES and giving back is a social responsibility of a successful business. For more information on the Kennebunk Land Trust please click on the link provided: www.kennebunklandtrust.org September 2010 | Can-Do Project CES continues to support the efforts of the Can Do project that is heading into their third year of operation and raising $25,000.00. These profits are given to York County food pantry to help individuals in need. August 2010 Corcoran Environmental Services establishes a sustainability and recovery program for General Electric UFC manufacturing in Pittsfield, ME. CES and GE UFC are looking at ways to recover difficult plastics generated in their manufacturing process. August 2010 | Press Release Local, family-owned Corcoran Environmental Services, Inc., which provides recycling and waste management services for its customers, has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, as confirmed Monday, August 2, 2010 in US Bankruptcy Court in Portland, ME. After 16 months of careful and thoughtful planning with skilled advisors, the company received approval of their plan, pursuant to which Corcoran pay its creditors back in full. Corcoran Environmental was represented in the Chapter 11 proceeding by Jeffrey Piampiano of the Portland law firm of Drummond, Woodsum & MacMahon. June 2010 CES and Quality Container of Yarmouth, ME decrease operational expense and internal logistics by use of compaction equipment, supplied by CES. Quality Container provides bottles for the dairy and specialty beverage industry. January 2010 | Harvey Industries CES signed a multi-year service and recycling agreement with Window and Door manufacture Harvey Industries. Corcoran Environmental Services will be continuing the relationship saving Harvey an estimated $15,000 annually in disposal costs while ensuring that the window and door producer waste and recycling products are handled correctly. Harvey has three manufacturing facilities in located in Londonderry, New Hampshire, Springfield Massachusetts, and North Dartmouth, Massachusetts. CES and Harvey will be looking at additional sites for CES to manage in the spring 2010. Goodwill Industries: Goodwill the home of so many unwanted used and new clothes has expanded again in 2009-2010. CES has developed a larger relationship and has started to assist Goodwill of Northern New England to fabricate and install compactors and balers at their different locations. CES offers Goodwill consolidated multi-location monthly billing and aggressive solid waste and recycling alternatives for their different waste streams. CES is continuing to expand our relationship by looking at new sites that Goodwill is moving into and has expanded into Ellsworth, Belfast, Rockland and South Portland Maine. Environmental Stewardship and Carbon Footprint: Maine’s Energy and Environmental Consulting Services and Corcoran Environmental Services have teamed up to offer school systems and commercial business in Central Maine consolidated waste, organic and mixed paper recycling services. Tom Maines, a leader in the administrative school systems for over 40 years has branched out and started a consulting services business based in Brunswick Maine. Tom was recently inducted in the Maine Coaches Hall of Fame for his 25 years of service to Maine Schools. He brings both common sense and his love for assisting school systems to develop his business. Tom can be reached at www.meecs.com. February 2009 | Single-stream system appears to be paying off BEDFORD – Residents who recycle saved taxpayers about $67,000 in 2008 by recycling about 1,000 tons of materials. Considering that the Town Council trimmed next year's budget proposal by a couple of police personnel here and some reserve funds there, that's a significant number. December 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services signs a multi-year marketing and brokerage contract with Cascades to supply between 2,000 and 4,000 tons annually of high-grade sorted office paper and white ledger. Record destruction in New England will provide the high quality material needed to fulfill the needs of this project. December 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services signs confidentiality agreement with NECCO (New England Confectionary Company). CES will be spear-heading in-depth recycling management practices to assist NECCO in recovering revenue for recyclables and decreasing operational expenses. Project commencement is February, 2009. December 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services commits to a DEP-sanctioned landfill-capping project in a coastal Maine town, providing approximately 10,000 tons of material to fulfill the closure and capping requirements. November 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services is awarded multi-year disposal contract for the Town of Windham, New Hampshire. Volume of municipal solid waste expected from this project 5,000 tons annually, proving CES’s ability to offer the fullest range of services in the recycling and waste management industry. November 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services secures occupancy permit for NEWCOR offices and relocates offices from Downtown Manchester to new operating facility on Gay Street, Manchester. November 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services establishes NEWCOR Material Recovery Facilities, Inc., the largest independently owned and operated facility of its kind in New Hampshire. In fact, the NEWCOR MRF will be the first single-stream plant in New Hampshire. NEWCOR plans to start operations in summer, 2009 and is securing material for operations through long-term contracts with New Hampshire municipalities. November 22, 2008 The Center for Entrepreneurship at York County Community College has announced that Patrick Corcoran, President of Corcoran Environmental Services, Inc. in Kennebunk, Maine has been named Entrepreneur of the Year. Corcoran was presented with the honor at the Fourth Annual Entrepreneur Awards Celebration held recently at York County Community College in Wells. October 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services signs a letter of intent with a solid waste/recycling organization in Kentucky for exclusive marketing of recyclables. Estimated volume of recyclables is 35,000 tons annually. September 19, 2008 MSAD 71 awarded CES a one year contract for solid waste and organic waste collection services. In addition, CES will also provide the District with paper recycling services. We look forward to serving the District as contractor for all 3 commodities. September 18, 2008 Nestle Waters N. America renewed their contract with CES for Recycling and Solid Waste Management Services. CES will service NWNA facilities located in Poland, Hollis and Kingfield, Maine as well as Seabrook, NH. We are pleased that NWNA values our services and our commitment to cost effective recycling. July 2008 New Boston Central School has signed a one year agreement with CES. CES will service recycling containers as well as trash containers at the school. We are thrilled with the schools’ initiative to recycle more and create less trash. June 25, 2008 The University of Southern Maine awarded CES a three year contract for Rubbish Removal Service. CES will provide service to USM campuses located in Portland and Gorham. The contract start date is July 1st. June 23, 2008 On June 3rd, 2008, CES was awarded a three year contract with the Town of Bedford, NH. The Town selected CES to implement single stream recycling. CES is pleased to welcome The Town of Bedford as our first single stream municipality. Service begins August 1st. June 18, 2008 Corcoran Environmental Services has entered into a long term recycling contract with Stonyfield Farms. The program design will provide high end diversion recycling for the Londonderry manufacturing facility as part continuing effort by Stonyfield Farms for a positive environmental profile. June 16, 2008
April 2008
March 2008 Manchester, NH-Corcoran Environmental Services has entered into a three year recycling contract with Comcast. The contract will provide turn key recycling services for the Island Pond Road Facility. February 2008 Concord, NH-Corcoran Environmental Services has entered into a one year recycling service contract with the State on NH. The contract is a pilot program and part of a long term initiative by the Bureau of Purchase and Property to bring total recycling capabilities to all state facilities. DES and Health and Human Resources will be the first to implement the new program stating in March. January 2008 Barrington, NH- Corcoran Environmental Services has entered into a five year materials marketing agreement with Granite State Recycling based out of Barrington, NH. Granite State Recycling operations included transportation and materials processing for paper fiber and plastics. December 2007 | CES welcomes new customer, Watts Regulator Company CES welcomes new customer, Watts Regulator Company. Watts signed a one year contract to recycle numerous commodities from their Franklin, NH plant. November 2007 | CES Awarded a 5 Year Curbside Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Contract with the Island Community of New Castle, NH. CES was awarded a 5 year curbside solid waste and recycling collection contract with the island community of New Castle, NH. CES and it's hauling partner, Oceanside Rubbish, Inc., will provide professional and efficient collection service to the residents of New Castle. CES is pleased with the forward thinking of the New Castle community. It is the intention of the Town to implement single stream recycling during the next year. CES will provide wheeled collection carts for recyclable material. The Town is committed to removing recyclables from their waste stream. The positive impact of single stream recycling will benefit the Town financially and aesthetically. We look forward to a long successful relationship with this picturesque NH community. September 2007 | Maine School Administrative District #71 signed a 1 year contract with CES for Organic Waste Recycling Maine School Administrative District #71 signed a 1 year contract with CES for Organic Waste Recycling. CES is proud of the District’s desire to recover more recyclable items from the waste stream. Organic waste includes plate scrapings, post dated food items, soiled or wet paper and cardboard, and garnishes. August 2007 | CES Awarded 2-Year Contract with the Town of Rye, NH On August 2, 2007, the Rye Board of Selectman voted to accept a two year service contract. CES will provide hauling as well as brokerage services for materials collected at the Rye Transfer Station. August 2007 | CES Awarded 5-Year Contract with the Town of Antrim, NH CES recently entered into a five year agreement with Town of Antrim, NH. Beginning October 2007, CES will manage the Town’s current recycling program. In addition, the Town will transition to Single Stream Recycling when the CES Material Recovery Facility is open in Manchester, NH. June 2007 | CES Awarded 1-Year Contract with the Town of Ogunquit, Maine CES was recently awarded a one year contract from the Town of Ogunquit. Beginning, July 1st, CES is responsible for all hauling and disposal of all items at the Ogunquit Transfer Station. June 2007 | CES Awarded 2-Year Contract with the Town of Arundel, Maine Corcoran Environmental Services was awarded a 2 year contract with the Town of Arundel, Maine. CES is responsible for the complete management and operation of the Arundel Transfer Station. Our goal is to effectively and efficiently manage solid waste and recycling in the Town of Arundel. In addition, we look forward to assisting and educating residents who visit the site. February 2007 | CES Acquires L.R. Higgins, a Portland Based Waste Carrier Corcoran Environmental Services and Oceanside Rubbish Inc, have expanded regional operations with the acquisition of L.R. Higgins, a Portland Maine based waste carrier. The purchase comprised of rolling stock, personnel and service contracts that will offer increase flexibility into both company's operations. The acquired disposal agreements consist of general trash and construction & demolition materials. Surplus equipment from the purchase will be repositioned an utilized in Corcoran Environmental’s additional operations in Maine and New Hampshire. December 2006 | CES awarded a multi-year contract from the Town of Hudson The 5 year Solid Waste and Recycling collection contract was approved unanimously by the board of Selectman on December 12th. The new program will utilize automated collection services provided by Pinard Waste Systems of Manchester, NH. Each residential household in Hudson will receive one 64 gallon cart for their trash and use 18 gallon bins for recyclables, which the residents presently have. Corcoran Environmental Services will provide additional 18 gallon bins to residents that may need them. The aggressive program is designed to help divert paper products and co-mingled containers out of the waste stream. Educational information will be at the forefront in the new program in helping the residents understand how simple it will be to recycle. The new program will begin July 1, 2007 and Hudson residents should receive their carts between June, 18th and June 30th 2007. October 2006 | CES Awarded Nestle Waters North America Recycling Contract Corcoran Environmental Services has secured a multi-year contract to manage recycling programs for Nestle Waters bottling plants in Tennessee and Texas. Nestle Waters North America operates bottling facilities in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee and in Hawkins and Ft. Worth Texas as well 36 other plants domestically. Corcoran Environmental was also awarded continued recycling services for the Maine and New Hampshire facilities of Poland Springs which brings the total of number sites serviced in the Nestle Waters system to seven. February 2006 | NH City Approves Recycling Contract Corcoran Environmental Services Inc. of Kennebunk, Maine, and Pinard Waste Systems of Manchester, N.H., have been awarded a multi-year recycling and yard waste contract with the City of Manchester, N.H. The agreement extends 10 years with eight additional five-year options for renewal. The intent of the long-term contract, according to Joanne McLaughlin, recycling superintendent for the City of Manchester, is to increase residential recycling in Manchester and to create a customer friendly program. “When the city put out the Request For Proposal (RFP) we asked for an innovative system that would increase recycling participation with the goal of diverting more recyclable materials from the waste stream,” says McLaughlin. “Corcoran came out with an exceptional plan that will eventually switch the city to a much more user-friendly recycling program.” As part of the agreement, Pinard Waste Systems of Manchester will provide the curbside recycling services. “Having Pinard Waste, a local company that started its business in the Manchester area more than 40 years ago, facilitating this new recycling program is very exciting,” says McLaughlin. “Pinard [provides] an immediate connection for us. We’re dealing with folks locally, not on a regional or national level. They’ve committed a dedicated staff and dedicated trucks exclusively for this program.” The agreement also states that within the next three years Corcoran will design, construct and operate a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at a residential drop-off location in Manchester. “Once the MRF is built, the city will shift to a single-stream recycling effort,” adds McLaughlin. “Single-stream allows residents to place all recyclables, paper, plastics, metal and glass in one recycle [container]. The MRF facility has the ability to sort the materials so that residents won’t have to.” Remarks Patrick Corcoran, president of Corcoran Environmental Services Inc., “The City of Manchester invites and supports innovation, and they’ve developed a recycling plan with an eye toward the future. This agreement will take the city in a totally new direction than they’ve been in the last 10 years.” Currently the recycling participation rate in the Queen City is roughly 47 percent, says McLaughlin. “That's low to average,” he remarks. “The bi-weekly recycling collection program we had was too confusing. Residents would put their trash out each week and their recyclables out the next week but on a different day than their trash collection. It was crazy. But as of March 1, 2006, this new, easy-to-use program will now allow residents to put all their trash and recyclables out on the same day.” Several new revenue streams will also be realized as part of the recycling contract, city officials predict. “With the new MRF, with every ton that’s taken into this new facility, the city will receive a host fee,” says McLaughlin. “The city will also collect part of the revenue from the sale of all recycled materials that are processed there.” Additionally, Corcoran Environmental will also pay a ground lease for the MRF operation. “The long and the short of it is recycling pays,” states McLaughlin. “It’s good for the environment and it’s good for our pocketbooks. The more we recycle the more money we get in return and the more we’ll save in disposal fees. The money that’s saved will go back into the general fund. This is all revenue that the city was not getting. The savings will be reflected in everyone’s tax bill.”
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